SLGI is nationally accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP – Lab Code 101150-0) for the bulk sample analysis using Polarized Light Microscopy and by the American Industrial Hygiene Association Laboratory Accreditation Program (AIHA LAP, LLC LAP-100527) for air sample analysis using Phase Contrast Microscopy.
These services include:
• Air Analysis – PCM
o Airborne Fiber Count (NIOSH 7400)
• Bulk Analysis – PLM
o EPA Method 600/R-93/116
o 40 CFR Appendix E to Subpart E of Part 763
o EPA 400 Point Count
o EPA 1000 Point Count
o NY Stratified Point Count
o Gravimetric Preparation

SLGI offers an array of environmental testing services which can be performed on a variety of matrices such as wastewater, soil, and drinking water.
These services include:
• Trace Metals Analysis
• Priority Pollutants Metals
• RCRA 8 Metals
• Hexavalent Chromium Analysis
• Lead in Paint, Soil and Dust Analysis
• TCLP Extraction with Metals Analysis
• TCLP Extraction with Organic Analysis
• PCB Analysis
• DRO Analysis
• GRO and BTEX Analysis
• Product Testing

Industrial Hygiene
SLGI offers industrial hygiene testing which complies with ISO 17025 accreditation principles and local/regional accreditations, such as the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA LAP, LLC LAP-100527).
These services include:
• Lead and other Trace Metals
• Hexavalent Chromium
• Formaldehyde
• Polychlorinated-biphenyls (PCBs)
• Hydrocarbons
• Silica
• Asbestos
To facilitate your air testing needs, SLGI provides a Pump Loan Program available to our customers along with sample collection media.

Fungi (Mold)
SLGI is accredited through AIHA LAP, LLC LAP-100527 EMLAP for the analysis of mold in air, tape, bulk and swab samples. The analysis includes identification of the spores present and a general evaluation of background debris.
Microscopic Direct Examination aids in the determination of whether the spores present – such as Stachybotrys (Black Mold) – are indicative of mold growth or simply originating from the exterior.
Bacteria (E-Coli and Total Coliform) SM 9223
SLGI also has NELAP accreditation through the state of Virginia for the analysis of bacteria (E-coli and Total coliform) in water. SLGI can analyze for the presence or absence of these bacteria and can also quantitate (MPN) the amount of the bacteria present.